Teen Sexting…What it is, Who is Doing it, and Legal Ramifications

Boehmer Law offers a three part series on the serious epidemic of teen sexting including information parents need to know and just how serious these matters can become. Besides the emotional trauma that can occur, there are severe legal ramifications (even for teenagers) that may happen as a result of ‘teen sexting’. If you or a loved one feels they may need legal help with regards to these types of messages sent or received, please call 636-896-4020 for one of our Award-Winning Attorneys at Boehmer Law. You may also check out our website at http://www.boehmerlaw.com

Part 1 Teen Sexting…What it is, Who is Doing it, and Legal Ramifications

“Sexting”: You have heard the term, but you’re not quite sure what it means. Sexting is the sending and/or receiving of sexually explicit or sexually suggestive images, messages, or videos via a cellphone, tablet, computer, social sites or the internet.

Some examples of sexting include sending and receiving:

–nude or nearly nude photos or “selfies”
–videos that show nudity, sex acts, or simulated sex acts
–messages that propose sex or refer to sex acts
–messages that combine all of the above

These days, almost every pre-teen and teenager has access to a variety of ways to text and get online via smartphones, tablets, and laptops. With built in cameras on phones, tablets and computers teens can easily create and share personal photos and videos of themselves without their parents ever knowing about it. Most of the time, this is no big deal. But, if what is shared is too personal or of a sexual nature, your teen’s reputation and feeling of self-worth could be harmed and their physical safety put in danger. Even if the image, video, or text was only meant for one person, once it has been sent or posted, it is out of anyone’s control as to where it is sent or who else may see those images. This information can be posted in chat rooms, websites, or social media aps and once it is out there it could be near impossible to erase from the internet, even after you believe it has been deleted. This has the potential to not only emotionally scar a developing pre-teen or teenager and affect their future employment opportunities but also plague them for the rest of their life. This is a very serious matter, and should not be taken lightly.

According to DoSomething.org, here are some pretty astonishing statistics:

1. Teenage girls have a few reasons for why they participate in sexting: 40 percent do it as a joke, 34 percent do it to feel sexy, and 12 percent feel pressured to do it.

2. Who will see your sext? 17% of sexters share the messages they receive with others, and 55% of those share them with more than one person.

3. While nearly 70% of teen boys and girls who sext do so with their girlfriend or boyfriend, 61% of all sexters who have sent nude images admit that they were pressured to do it at least once.

4. Nearly 40% of all teenagers have posted or sent sexually suggestive messages, but this practice is more common among boys than girls.

5. Sending semi-nude or nude photos is more common among teens girls. 22% of teen girls report sending images of this nature, while only 18% of same-age boys have.

6. 15% of teens who have sent or posted nude/semi-nude images of themselves send these messages to people they have never met, but know from the Internet.

7. Sending or receiving a sexually suggestive text or image under the age of 18 is considered child pornography and can result in criminal charges.

8. 24% of high-school age teens (ages 14 to 17) and 33% of college-age students (ages 18 to 24) have been involved in a form of nude sexting.

9. Sexting is defined by the U.S. court system as “an act of sending sexually explicit materials through mobile phones.” The messages may be text, photo, or video.

10. In the U.S., 8 states have enacted bills to protect minors from sexting, and an additional 13 states have proposed bills to legislation.
11. 11% of teen girls ages 13 to 16 have been involved with sending or receiving sexually explicit messages.

Please watch here for part two of our three part series on “Teen Sexting…What it is, Who is Doing it, and Legal Ramifications”, where we discuss the importance of open and honest communication between parents and young adults. If you or a loved one feels they may need legal help with regards to these messages sent or received, please call 636-896-4020 for one of our Award-Winning Attorneys at Boehmer Law.

You may also check out our website at http://www.boehmerlaw.com

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